Happy Monday beautiful people and welcome to June! Can you believe that we’re almost halfway through the year?! The past 5 months have been a blur! A wonderful blur, but a blur nonetheless lol.
2015 has been a year full of teaching so far and I have had a great time meeting and working with so many great photographers! I can’t tell you how awesome it is to see someone have a lightbulb moment and finally “get it”! There’s nothing like it and it never gets old :)
Well this was an unexpectedly long intro! Sometimes I get long-winded when I talk about this lol. It’s Mentor Monday though and I finally am aiming to catch up on these March recaps lol.
So today? I’m super happy to share this fun Houston session! We had such a great time and took some awesome lifestyle photos in this beautiful space :)
Hear directly from one of the mentees on his experience!
“My 101: Master Natural Light Shooting Session was just the shot in the arm I needed. Danielle has the knack for making all things photography seem so simple! Case in point, shooting using the Kelvin white balance. For some reason I was frightened to even give it a try. Yet she demystified it and made it so easy. Bye-bye Expo Disc. The day only got better from there! I love how Danielle’s photos look and couldn’t wait to learn her technique. My how surprised I was to learn she does very little to her photos in Lightroom and Photoshop but that it’s mostly done with correct settings in camera first. Eye opening for me!
Overall I was very satisfied with the level of instruction and the format of the session. It was well worth my time and travel.
Thanks Danielle for being so open and giving with your time and experience. I will recommend you to everyone I know.”
-Reggie Web
Thank YOU Reggie! I had such a great time with you and can’t wait to see how you’re putting to work the skills you learned :)
If you would like to have the DFinney Experience yourself and participate in the next group mentor session, check out full details here, including upcoming cities and dates, and email me today if you’re interested in attending!