Life Happenings: April

So much has happened since the beginning of this month and I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and take a breather. 

April began with a lovely mother daughter photo session on the 1st with the winner of the Free Mini Session giveaway I did back in February… Their session was absolutely beautiful and a great reminder of why everyone should have photos with those that they love.


It was a very bittersweet session since my grandmother (my mom’s mom) passed earlier that same morning. That week was spent getting everything together for the funeral and completing her memorial programs. I wanted to do them since I’d done the memorial programs when my other grandma passed a few years ago… that was one sleep deprived week for everyone as we worked to get everything together, but the programs and her service turned out beautifully.

The next week (last week) was spent playing catch up and I ended the week with two great photo sessions. Friday’s session was with the wonderful folks at Scott Orthodontics!


And Saturday’s session was with the gorgeous Michelle!


I am so in love with the photos from her session :) You’ll definitely be seeing a full post for her session within the coming weeks. 

Overall April has definitely been an eventful month, but we’re making it day by day. I definitely want to thank everyone who expressed their condolences, prayed, sent a card, left a kind word, and came by to visit. We really appreciate it and look forward to seeing her again :)
