Long time, no chat

Has it really been almost a YEAR since we’ve chatted? 😩

Truthfully, I had all the best intentions of writing sooner but… you know, LIFE.

Funny enough, in my last post I was talking about my new habit of walking daily and today it just so happened that I went on a walk- for the first time in weeks. So that’s your update if you were interested in knowing how well I kept up with that habit lol.

Last year was… whew. I’ve never had a year like it. It was both terrible and amazing lol. Every day I thank Jehovah because I know he’s the only reason I made it through.

So what’s new? Honestly not much on the biz front.

2024 was a slow year for many reasons, but I wasn’t mad at all. It gave me time to regroup, recalibrate, and refocus on the important things. Honestly I don’t have expectations that 2025 will be much different given how this economy is looking, but I’m going to keep doing what served me so well last year- relying on Jehovah because I definitely can’t do it without him.

I’m still managing my mental ups and downs, but I’ve been finding it “easier” lean into how my brain operates vs trying to fight against it. I actually plan to talk a little more about that another time cuz I do have more to share on this, but I don’t want to make this post too long.

I just wanted to touch base… I’m here!

And! I’ve actually been finding it a little easier to show up online because I have been showing up for myself in real life. What a concept lol.

So if you’re on the gram, you may have seen this already, but if not I’m happy to share it with you!

I was featured on my friend’s podcast, Guilty Privilege! My episode came out a few months ago, but I never got a chance to share it here!

I'm soo proud of how it turned out! When I tell you almost everything that could, went wrong behind the scenes 😩 To mention a few- I was getting over being sick for a month so my voice and throat were not really up to par, my flight that morning was delayed, AND I somehow I tweaked my back the night before 🥴

Not to mention the fact that I had never done a video podcast before… I felt like I was being held together with scotch tape 😭 Given that, I really didn’t know how things would turn out even though I knew I gave the best I had. So when I say I’m proud of this, I really mean it.

We chatted about all the things from how best to prepare for a photo session, my approach to photographing women, being a black woman photographer, my love of light, how I manage my mental health and entrepreneurship- all the things! 

 Check out our episode and let me know what you think! 

Well this update ran a little longer than planned, but when it’s been a year I guess I should have expected that 😅

In closing, here’s a mini collage of what the past year looked like- some family time, some friend time, some game time, some work time, some fashion time… a full year lol

Last thing- if you are interested in creating together, the Spring Calendar is currently open with just a couple dates remaining for May & June. Add your name to the waitlist and you’ll get all the deets!

If you made it to the end, I appreciate you 🧡 Let me know how life has been treating you!

Till next time,

