Maternity Monday: Spring Edition! | Washington, DC Photographer

Happy Monday to youuuu!

I am on a real countdown this week... to what? To the official start of Spring next week!! 🎉

Although the weather is still a bit chilly, I'm not letting that stop me from celebrating the upcoming return of greenery, warmer weather, longer days, and generally happier moods lol. Nice weather just FEELS good!

So how's this countdown going to work? I'll be blogging every day until the start of Spring! 😱 I know... I know! I barely keep up with blogging as it is, but I'm challenging myself and you get to benefit lol.

To kick things off, I'm starting with the mamas- it is Maternity Monday after all :) And this is a special Spring edition, recapping a few Spring maternity sessions from the past couple years!

I hope you enjoyed these sweet maternity photos! Stay close because I'm blogging ALL WEEK in celebration of the return of Spring next week! 

Interested in a Spring Mini Session? Booking opens on March 19 at 10a- for subscribers only! Join the mailing list to book yours first! Not interested in a mini? No worries! To schedule a maternity session this Spring, shoot me an email! Currently booking: April, May, and June.