What's In Your Camera Bag | Photography FAQ

Happy Monday guys!

Last week was probably the most I’ve posted on this blog in a while lol. But I’m going to try and keep up (not that many posts!) but I do have lots to share with you :) Guess what’s back today? Photography FAQ! 

I came across this amazing site a couple months ago and spent way too much time there.


It is full of amazing work from great photographers where you get to see exactly what they use to bring to life their various projects! I’m always impressed when photographers are able to produce a striking image with just a few items. 

This site gave me an idea to do one of my own, but then I forgot lol. Then I received Maryam’s message and it was perfect timing :) So here’s our Photography FAQ for the day! 

“I keep seeing posts about different photogs and "what’s in their bag” and I would like to know what’s in Danni's camera bag! So Danni what’s in your bag and why is that your equipment of choice?“


I absolutely love this question Maryam because I love sharing how little you need to make a great portrait :)


Here’s what I take for portrait sessions:
Kelly Moore Posey Bag
Nikon D700 + Scarf camera strap (via Etsy)
Nikon 50mm f/1.4
Sigma 35mm f/1.4
Step ladder

My recent love is my 35/1.4… The 50/1.4 used to be my go-to fave, but I fell in love with the 35 when I needed to get my 50 serviced and now I think I may use them both equally. Initially I used my 50 almost 95% of the time, but since I’ve been using my 35 more, I am IN LOVE! In my head I used to always complain that I wanted to get more of the scene without having to be so far away and the 35 lets me do that beautifully, while still maintaining the beautiful background blur (I hate the word bokeh lol). So that’s it! Just my cam and the 35 & 50 lenses. And my trusty ladder/step stool. 


Here’s what I take for weddings:
Kelly Moore B-Hobo Bag
Nikon D700 + Scarf camera strap (via Etsy)
Nikon 50mm f/1.4
Sigma 35mm f/1.4
Nikon 85mm f/3.5
Nikon SB-900 Speedlight
Step ladder

And my brother Adrian shoots with the following:
Nikon D700
Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8
Nikon 135mm f/2.8
Nikon SB-900 Speedlight

I pretty much use the same thing but with just a couple additions. As you see, I’m a fan of fixed lenses and my brother shoots with the zoom. The last wedding I shot, I almost shot the whole thing with my 35! Previously it would have been with the 50. For weddings I bring my macro lens for the ring shots only and my 20mm f/1.8 (not pictured) in case I want to do any creative wide angle shots but generally they just take up space because I rarely switch lenses. I also use the speedlight for weddings, but only when necessary because I don’t like flash… mostly because I don’t understand it honestly lol. I’m learning though, with the help of my brother :) Which is why shooting weddings with him is the only way I’ll do a wedding.

That’s it for today! 

I hope you guys found this helpful :)
