DC 101 Group Session [December 4] | Washington, DC Photography Instructor

Good Wednesday afternoon to you, I hope your week is going well so far! Mine has been "meh", but I'll take "meh" over bad lol.

Since I have this shiny new (and easy to use) blog, I'm going to be making a concerted effort to crank out these session recaps so that I can share the 6+ months worth of images I've been sitting on :)

First up this week is the recap from my winter group mentoring session here in DC!

So, as I recall... we had a fairly warm winter- EXCEPT for this day lol. It was FUH-REEZING, but you would never know it given how wonderfully our model Akua modeled for us :)

We had a great time together and here are my faves from our practice session!


What did the attendees think of the session? Hear from one directly on her DFinney Mentoring experience:

"I had a great experience with the mentor session! You're very helpful and explained what I thought was the hard stuff, very simply. I appreciate you sharing the thought you put behind choosing the model... so we had nice pics for our portfolio. Also the tidbits you shared along the way... invaluable nuggets! I also appreciate you sharing details about your workflow!!!"
-Adrienne C

Thank you Adrienne! It was a true pleasure working with you and I'm so happy to have been able to simplify some of the seemingly hard stuff :)

If you would like to have the DFinney Experience yourself and participate in the next group mentor session, check out full details here! Travel dates are currently on hold, but I am still holding sessions here in DC. Interested? Email me today if you’re interested in attending the next group session on September 16 or scheduling your own one-on-one session!

#NoShameDay | Mental Health Monday

Happy Monday to you  💚 

Today is #NoShameDay, an initiative launched by The Siwe Project- a global non-profit dedicated to promoting mental health awareness throughout the global black community, founded by writer Bassey Ikpi. #NoShameDay is a campaign that focuses on stigma reduction through storytelling and community building.

I became familiar with Bassey's mental healthy advocacy a couple years ago, prior to my diagnoses, and I was always drawn to her writing. Since being diagnosed earlier this year, I relate a little more fully to her and I deeply appreciate how she is able to beautifully articulate this not-so-beautiful struggle. It is incredibly helpful because not only am I able to understand where she's coming from, but I sincerely appreciate her sharing in the first place.

Which leads me to #NoShameDay. I can absolutely say that Bassey's mental health advocacy has encouraged me to do the same and I am so very thankful, and even happier to support her initiative!

Living with bipolar depression, ADD, and some OCD tendencies has not been (and will not be) an easy journey, but I can say that sharing and talking about it, has definitely helped. The stigma surrounding mental illness is damaging. Damaging because it keeps people from seeking help. Damaging because it causes unnecessary silence and lack of support for those suffering... And it can only be remedied by TALKING about it! So I'm doing my part.

If you're new to the blog, you can check out my previous posts on this topic from the past few months:

The Truth About My Absence
Originally appearing here.

Don't Stop Talking About It

May is Mental Health Month


This past week was a tough one and I had to reach out for some positive reinforcement. The idea to even do so came from a post Bassey made the week prior, and it really resonated with me. Why do we feel like we need to do this alone? I don't know, but it's a mental block I have to actively work at overcoming constantly. 

In light of the tumultuous world scene, my work seems so trivial. But I have such a tenuous grasp on sanity these days as it is, and I realize that I need to engage in intense self-care to stay afloat. Including but not limited to prayer, reading my bible, spending time in nature, and creating... 


It's kind of fitting that I've been drawn to being in and shooting more greenery lately. I didn't realize it, but green is the color for mental health awareness! 

I keep saying that I'm going to stop making these posts novel length, but I guess I should just learn to embrace my wordiness lol.

That's it for today.

If you haven't, please visit The Siwe Project's website to learn more and check out the #NoShameDay hashtags on the various social media platforms to read the stories and to share your support as well!


Blog Newness! | News & Updates

Happy Friday and welcome to July!

I'm kicking off the half-year mark with a brand new blog! Do you like? :)

It's literally been sitting for the past 6+ months, but this week I finally managed to get it finished! I still plan to add a few things and tweak a few others (in addition to giving my site itself a facelift, and editing photos, and, and, and...) but one thing at a time. And I'm happy to finally have the new blog up and running!

It can still be accessed via http://blog.dfinneyphoto.co, it will just no longer link to http://dfinneyphoto.tumblr.com. Squarespace is awesome btw if you were unsure- importing my existing Tumblr posts was so seamless! Of course the comments were left behind, but everything else is perfect!

So take a peek around!

Everything is pretty similar, just a bit cleaner design and bigger pictures (when viewing on a desktop). I'm phasing out the use of my gray and white striped graphic that I introduced 4 years ago when I rebranded, but everything else will be the same. I still think my brand colors and logo fit me just fine, so I didn't need an overhaul, just a slight refresh :)

Speaking of refresh, things have been verrrrry slow thus far on the blog this year (mainly because I've been having a not so great year) and blogging took more time than I had the energy for, but this new platform is so easy to use so I'll definitely be blogging more and sharing the 6+ months of photos and mentoring recaps I've been sitting on (a few images are below), in addition to WRITING more!

I changed the URL of the blog to dfinneyblog.co because I will not only be sharing my client work, but I want to speak more about life and things other than my work (when I find the energy to do so :)

Oh! I also have a DC group mentoring session coming up in 2 weeks, and we need a model!
Check out the casting details HERE and email me if you'd like to participate!

I hope you'll join me on this new blogging journey! Let me know what you think of the new digs!


NOLA 102 Group Session [November 21] | New Orleans, LA Photography Instructor

Am I really 8+ months behind on blogging my recaps? o_0 

Gonna try and change that in the coming weeks so I can catch up on the late 2015 and early 2016 recaps :) So get ready for lots of beautiful photos!

First up is the recap from Session 102 in New Orleans this past November. 

It was actually a pretty discouragingly rainy day but we made the best of it and found some great spots for Ashley and Reggie’s headshots. Once we made our way back inside, it was all business and I was able to help both Ashley and Reggie revamp their pricing, go over website adjustments, and much more!

Check out the photos from their headshot session!


If you would like to have the DFinney Experience yourself and participate in the next group mentor session, check out full details here! Travel dates are currently on hold, but I am still holding sessions here in DC. Interested? Email me today if you’re interested in attending the next group session on September 16 or scheduling your own one-on-one session!

Progress | Truthy Tuesday

Good Tuesday morning to you! And welcome to Summer ❤

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Truthy Tuesday actually ON Tuesday, but today I finally managed to do so :) It’s been a rough 2016 for me so far, but I’m still here and some days, that is an accomplishment in and of itself! 

Last week was one of the first weeks in a long time (6+ months) that I didn’t feel acutely aware of my depression. I’m not sure what’s making the difference (a combination of things that I’ve been trying to do differently, I’m sure), but I’m so thankful for the progress, no matter how small. This improved mental state even regenerated a little creativity that had been lost.

Having to re-learn this whole life thing is teaching me a lot. I’ve been a little quiet (or a lot quiet sometimes) during this time while I sort out things because it’s hard to be present in the world when you’re not even fully present within yourself. But I wanted to write today because number one, I had the energy to do so, and also because I really want to keep this mental health dialogue going

You often see success stories of people who have “overcome” their depression or other mental health issue, but what got them there? What was it like on that road to being “better”? Everyone’s journey is different no doubt, but one thing is for sure, it is NOT an easy one.

What’s been helping me? Honestly I’m not 100% sure that I can pinpoint exact reason(s). But I have been trying to do several things differently. Awareness really does help. So I sincerely encourage you to get help if you think you may be suffering with any kind of mental illness. It’s amazing how many things we may do to unintentionally sabotage ourselves, just by simply being unaware. Since being made aware of how my brain works, it really has helped me to be more careful with what I feed it. Because I am more prone to negative spirals, I have begun to really pay attention to what triggers the shift to a negative mental space, and conversely, what helps me to feel better, if even for a moment.

One thing that I can say for sure that has helped (and this totally deserves its own post) is spending much less time on social media. For a highly sensitive person, already prone to depression, too much social media is the worse. Not only is it a time-waster, but in addition to the passage of time, I was feeding my brain with things that only made me feel worse. 

You should be doing more.

Why aren’t you doing xyz with your life.

Why aren’t you working out.

Why aren’t you eating healthy.

That’s why you’re fat.

Why are so xyz.

You’re not good enough.

You’re not good enough.

You’re not good enough. 

Writing that was hard, but that is exactly what was going on in my mind. So limiting the time I spend there, the amount of people I follow, eliminating certain platforms, and not joining others, has definitely helped. So if you notice my inactivity/non-responsiveness, there’s your reason why :)

There are so many articles out there with helpful tips for coping, but the fact remains that nothing is 100% effective across the board. Which sucks. There will always be an element of trial and error in everyone’s case and that’s where I am. Some things have been helpful, others have not. But I’m trying, and honestly, that is the most important thing. I haven’t given up and I’m thankful to my family and friends for their support.

I didn’t really have a true point to today’s post, I guess it was more of an update… There’s always so much more to talk about on this topic, but I need to stop making these posts novel length lol.

Please feel free to comment and let me know what has helped you if you are also coping with depression.

I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday  ❤
